
The Sirians are aquatic alien races from the Sirius constellation. Along with the Simian races, they are responsbile for the genetic makeup of mankind. The Earth species which are the closest, genetically, to the Sirians are, of course, Cetacean species (Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises).

Several million years ago, Sirians genetically modified our simian ancestors, altering our species to what it is today: No longer simply an ape, but an aquatic ape. We were given many traits shared by Cetacean species, which differentiate us from other simian species, and, perhaps most importantly, which were key in our development of superior mental and linguistic skills.

The 33-Petaled Rose is an offering of the Sirians, who have cultivated in the zone of infinite potentiality a realm in which humanity will grow to fully realize its creative potential! The Sirians are mankind's true galactic brothers, and it is imperative that we, as a species, expand our minds to accept this truly amazing opportunity!