AED 212: Interpreting Art Experience: Educational ... 2019Syllabus for AED 212: Interpreting Art Experience: Educational Implications, taught Fall 2019-Spring 2021 at PSU.
AED 211: Interpreting Art Experience: Social and B... 2019Syllabus developed for teaching AED 211: Interpreting Art Experience: Social and Behavioral Perspectives at PSU.
LOSSY COMPRESSION: Gendered Elisions and Omissions... 2019Online teaching resource indexing women new media artists and their Wikipedia status (as of May 2019).
Universal Adaptor: Accessibility and Difference in... 2018Universal Adaptor is a nonlinear graphic narrative presenting strategies for inclusive practice in New Media Art Ed.
Smithsonian Digital Arts Mash-Up 2016-17 2017Documentation of work from an experimental new media arts camp for middle schoolers.
Staying Current: Developing Digital Literacies for... 2017Chapter written with Ryan Patton for the book "Teaching Computational Creativity."
FRIGHTSCARE 20163 comics done for the AVClub’s “Comics Page” feature, which ran in October and focused on horror films...
Guest Editorial – LGBT Issues Caucus 2016“This art is up here… but the students at this school are down here.”
Creative Code in the Art Room 2016Online resource I created to use in my secondary art classes to teach making code-based artworks.
A.V. DREAMZZZ 2016Some comics related to pop culture, and anxiety dreams, influenced a bit by the A.V. Club’s recently added Comics ...
VCU CurrentLab 2016A series of modules co-authored for VCU's CurrentLab for teaching video game design in an arts context.