 | Havng nothing more than a vague appreciation for the Beatles until fairly recently, I'd never had an occassion to have a 'favorite Beatle.' After seeing his video for the "When we was Fab" on VH1 Classic, I tihnk I'd have to say George. |
 | Continuing the trend of sticking unsolicited images of my friends on my site, here's the irrascible Ryan Murray, the man so fun to draw, he's got portraits of him in sketchbooks all over the CFA (and even in stupid animated shorts). Quick doodle done to try out color seperation in silk-screen class. |
 | Caricature of a very good friend of mine. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut's pretty swell, and I needed to get some more work done in Photoshop, so... |
 | Jay and Silent Bob via Photoshop. This took a while. Strike Back was a good movie, plus this seemed to impress my Electronic Art class, so I guess it was a good investment of my time. NOTE - I think the only reason other art students are impressed by caricatures and crap like this is that they temporarily forget that they're lots, lots better than me at REAL art... |
 | A caricature of Alex Rodriguez, done for my High School newspaper. |
 | A caricature of Omar Visquel, done for my High School newspaper. |
 | A caricature of Mark McGuire, done for my High School newspaper. |
 | A caricature of Mike Piazza, done for my High School newspaper. |
 | A caricature of Derek Jeter, done for my High School newspaper. |
 | New for 2001! A caricature of They Might Be Giants. John Linnel and John Flansburg relaxing in the cover photo to their Flood album. Hey, its a better, commemorative redo of an old pic using my new Christmas stylus, which happens to be the FIRST UPLOAD OF THE NEW MILLENIUM! |
 | New for 2000! A caricature of They Might Be Giants. John Linnel and John Flansburg relaxing in the cover photo to their Flood album. |
 | Caricature of myself when I was all of two, eating haggis, and most assuredly a young fop. Intaglio is pretty awful, but it has the dubious distinction of being the only printing medium that is not completely awful. |
 | Screenprint based on a photo separation of the above caricature of my pal Ryan. The campus art store was out of transparency medium for the ink, so it's rather oversaturated. |
 | My project for ceramics class Freshman year. The assignment was to do a self portrait, so I made a caricatured combination of myself and my pooka, which, incidentally, is a green monkey. The scale is kinda indiscernable from the photo. It's bigger than a small monkey (tamarin, marmoset) and smaller than a big chimp. It would fit snugly in a 16"x16"x24" rectangular prism. |
 | I've never been the sort to do quick, on-the-spot theme park/bar mitzvah/carnival type caricatures. Despite this, I was commissioned to do just that for my church's summer picnic. Most of my piddling free time this summer was spent practicing doing quick marker caricatures to practice for this. Eventually I sorta got the hang of it, but still sucked plenty more than this other girl they also asked to draw silly pictures. In any case, these are some of my practice caricatures from over the course of summer 2001, some of which are recognizable media figures (Harry Caray, Howard Cosell, etc.), and some of which are faculty members fomr my mom's college yearbook. |
 | I got asked to do caricatures for the church picnic again. This time, to practice, I just worked my way through the seniors section of my high school yearbook. Here're a bunch of my practice quick caricatures, some of which are colored in prismacolor marker out of sheer boredom. Unless you're from where I'm from, you prolly won't rekkinize these folks. And in any case, they're prolly nigh-unrecognizable anyway... |
 | More practice caricatures from 2002... |
 | Even more practice caricatures from 2002... |
 | Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy, i.e. "the ultimate experience in grueling horror." Rendered in Sculpey, baked, then touched up with acrylics. Pics courtesy of pal Rob's digicam. |
 | Steve Purcell, my favoritest cartoonist ever. Unfortunately, this was my first time ever using acrylics, and thus the image came out unstuitably crappy. |
 | Electronical-type musicans the Chemical Brothers. Ironically, this is one of the few images on the site rendered in a non-electronic medium. |
Pencil Sketches (all pre-1999)
 | Caricature of the guy who plays Prosser in the illustrated HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy. |
 | Tim Burton, one of my favorite directors. Right up there with Terry Gilliam, and Stephen Spielberg. |
 | John Carmack, owner and lead programmer of Id software, the guys that brought us the great Wolfenstein 3D, the only first-person shooter worth its salt. |
 | George Lucas. In 20 years I'll CG this picture, and label it 'special edition.' |
 | Dr. Demento has the best radio show ever. Unfortunately, he's not ON around here anymore... |
 | Yoshida of Yoshida's Fine Sauces. Nuff sed. |
 | That Ally McBeal person. Never seen the show. Saw pic in TIME. Caricatured it. |