CG Art
Characters from the rpg Breath of Fire 4.
Some heads of people from the Sci-Fi series Farscape. Some rather spiffy character design in that show...
CG of Katt from Breath of Fire II
CG of a miscellaneous Goblin doodle.
CG 'fanart' (more of an absent minded-sketchbook doodle) of Corey Lewis's short-lived MegaMan Matrix impromanga. Vile's always been my favorite MMX character, so I made a neat MM Matrix version of him.
PowerMan 5000, the band. When I saw the lead singer's totally useless forehead goggles, I immediately thought to draw them in the manga-esque style that so often contains such goggles. Good pencil sketch, mediocre inking, and sub-par CGing make this an average picture.
The Upright Citizens Brigade. By far the best sketch comedy from this nation. This is a little CG of Colby, Trotter, Adair, and Antoine.
CG picture, title of the story section from my old MegaMan site, Engine of Destruction. Before the site was destroyed by Hypermart, that is.
My first ever Photoshop CG. Pretty crappy picture of really awesome Ukyo from Ranma 1/2.
Pencil Sketches
(all pre-1999)
Character from my friend Max's now-defunct comic Legacy.
Nifty looking beast sorta guy.
Miscellaneous goblin-looking guy. Not the same as the above, in fact very different.
Groovy person, loosely based on a groovy person in my art class.
Pretty groovy miscellaneous pic. Girl with big claw hands charging up some king of energy ball or something. Drawn from a funny angle.
Very sloppy, quick, and moderately crappy drawing of the cast of the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Sketch of Iria, from Iria: Zeiram the animation.
Scary, but cool, little Kung Fu guy with a really big head.
Miscellaneous pirate person, with a pretty neat costume. Well, the scabbard is cool at any rate...
Female reploid-esque robot. A-la MegaMan X. But, unlike Iris, this one actually has armor and a gun. Praise the lord, and pass the ammunition.
Little demonic fellow. In jeans and a tanktop, no less.
I was watching that Disney sword and the stone flick a while ago, and had a somewhat silly image crop up in my head. The result.
All Art Copyright Luke Meeken