Community/Nation/Tribe: enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes of Fort Berthold, and is Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara and Lakota
Materials/Processes: Video/Film; Installation
Themes: contemporary Indigeneity; Indigenous futurism
Online Resources:
Statements/Bios in Artists’ Words:
Cannupa Hanska Luger (b.1979) is a New Mexico based multidisciplinary artist creating monumental installations, sculpture and performance to communicate urgent stories of 21st Century Indigeneity. Incorporating ceramics, steel, fiber, repurposed materials, video, sound and performance, Luger activates speculative fiction, engages in land-based actions of repair and practices empathetic response through social collaboration. Born on the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, Luger is an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes of Fort Berthold and is Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara and Lakota. Luger combines critical cultural analysis with dedication and respect for the diverse materials, environments, and communities he engages. His bold visual storytelling presents new ways of seeing our collective humanity while foregrounding an Indigenous worldview.
As a contemporary artist Indigenous to North America, I am motivated to reclaim and reframe a more accurate version of 21st century Native American culture and its powerful global relevance. The customary practices of the world’s Indigenous people have been imprisoned to the past. Indigenous craft and arts, when not cannibalized by western culture, are considered primitive or extinct. My practice is rooted in the continuum of generations before me, the urgency for Indigenous visibility in this moment and the dreaming of Indigenous futures. Building worlds and dismantling misconceptions through monumental installations, sculpture and performance, I place myself between the realms of contemporary art and Indigenous culture, moving amidst museums and the front lines to enact a more complex understanding of contemporary Indigeneity. The materials that I use are emblematic of human civilization including clay, textiles, steel and digital media. Clay signifies our connection to place, literally the ground on which we stand. We create textiles from plants and animals, reflecting our truly embodied relationship between fiber and flesh. Steel has allowed humans to develop, build and dominate; it provides the physical structures for control and capital. And technology now provides an opportunity to question our civility and our connectedness through durational and situational media. I activate speculative fiction as a methodology, a practice, a way of future dreaming, rooted in an Indigenous continuum. I engage in land-based performative actions to pledge accountability to the land and waters affected by resource extraction and industry. I practice empathetic response and community catharsis through craft based social collaboration. Whether working with institutions, communities or with the land itself, my work is inherently social and requires engagement. I aim to lay groundwork, establish connections and mobilize action – to challenge the systemic conditions of colonialism while making space for urgent and emergent Indigenous narratives.