FINDING THREE-DEE: Anaglyph Heiroglyph , 2005    

This project explored new narrative potential for the red/blue, or anaglyphic 3D-glasses format in the form of a narrative picture book based loosely on a fracturing of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
By depicting separate, yet complementary narratives in the red and blue color channels on the page, and having them interact in calculated ways, the reader is afforded a total of 3 different stories.
One narrative is visible while wearing red-lensed glasses, another with blue glasses, or the reader will get the ‘whole picture’ wearing red-blue 3D glasses that reveal both sides of the story with special connections and correlations literally popping out.
The full 3D perspective synthesizes the dialectics of red/blue, intelligible/sensible, and seen/unseen.