Mapping Environmental Racism: EPA Hazard Sites and... 2019Data Visualization mapping environmental hazard sites onto racial demographic data.
Universal Adaptor: Accessibility and Difference in... 2018Universal Adaptor is a nonlinear graphic narrative presenting strategies for inclusive practice in New Media Art Ed.
Dense was the Darkness 2015This piece was created for the sad.gif exhibition. A worm crawls out of a nose. A friend is gone. Gil retreats to the...
VOKE 2014VOKE was an online journal/platform focused on presenting visual and digital articulations of Art Education research,co...
SUBMIT: System Opacity and Student Agency in the N... 2012This project examines the problem of pre-formatted thinking with respect to new media works in popular visual/web cultur...
AGENT 2012On-line curriculum and teaching resource focusing on encouraging student agency through new media artmaking.
Labyrinth Laboratory 2012Separate website for my teaching stuff before I combined it with my portfolio here. Lesson plans, resources, etc.
Bakhtin’s Dialogic Webland 2011A ‘Digital Learning Object’ using interaction and dialogue to explain Bakhtin’s concepts of Dialogue.
THE FREUD ZONE 2011With Jesse White. Interactive roll-over web thing exploring connections between Freud/Psychoanalysis and Art Ed.
TAV 2011TAV was a multimedia art and literary journal which ran from 2009-2011, publishing writing and artwork online, in physic...
Video Cave Interface 2004This was the interface for a kiosk of video works in Transmissions from the Stupid, a show featuring works by Ryan Murra...