Field of Resemblances 2015A pair of programs which procedurally generates an array of shapes, each of which bears a family resemblance to the shap...
Dense was the Darkness 2015This piece was created for the sad.gif exhibition. A worm crawls out of a nose. A friend is gone. Gil retreats to the...
VOKE 2014VOKE was an online journal/platform focused on presenting visual and digital articulations of Art Education research,co...
Making & Moving in the Real World: Physical C... 2014Game design unit focusing on creating new physical interactions with video games and participatory artwork.
Mechanics as Metaphor 2014Game design unit focusing on how the formal properties of games, like other artforms, can convey meaning through metapho...
Creating and Traversing Virtual Spaces 2014Unit drawing links between movement-focused 'platform' game level design and installation art.
Introduction to Digital Game Design as Art 2014Introductory module for teaching game design in the art ed classroom. Developed for VCU's CurrentLab.
ARTE 404: Clinical Internship Seminar 2014Syllabus from ARTE 404: Clinical Internship Seminar (student teaching) co-taught at VCU.
SUBMIT: System Opacity and Student Agency in the N... 2012This project examines the problem of pre-formatted thinking with respect to new media works in popular visual/web cultur...