This is a curricular resource for a lesson that challenges (secondary-level or higher) students to explore glitch processes and concepts with 3-D modeling and, if available, digital fabrication (3D Printing).

Drawing on the varied practices of artists such as Sophie Kahn, Caitlind Brown & Wayne Garrett, Lee Griggs, and Kara Zona, students will critically examine how digital systems that store, represent, and reproduce 3D forms may be hacked, played with, and better understood.

Students then are tasked with developing their own project, extending beyond their initial glitch experiments in a way that thoughtfully incorporates a source entity from the physical world and meaningfully transforms that entity using glitch practices. The format of the final piece is another creative choice/responsibility for the student. It may take the form of a physical 3-D printed object, a digital 3-D model, a 2-D image of a model, an animated GIF, or another form relevant to the student’s creative goals with the piece.

This was developed as part of the larger curricular facet of Aaron Knochel’s MAKE3D project at The Pennsylvania State University.

A teaching resource based on this curriculum was published in Volume 75, Issue 4 of the Art Education journal.

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